Physical therapy, also known as “physiotherapy,” has its roots in World War I when soldiers returning from war required rehabilitation after serious injury. Since this time, the profession has evolved to a post-graduate Doctoral degree offered by University Medical Schools.
Today, physical therapists have evolved our expertise past traditional surgical rehabilitation. We not only treat surgery and acute injury, we also treat and diagnose pain and injury, manage chronic neurological and degenerative conditions, and are extensively trained in wellness, performance enhancement, and fitness training.
Physical therapy is considered a “conservative treatment option” by the American Medical Association which means that we help you recover without invasive treatments such as injections or surgery. Unlike many alternative treatment options, physical therapy is an evidence-based profession with extensive backing by research and clinical trials proving our efficacy.
At your first appointment your physical therapist will perform an extensive evaluation consisting of a complete medical history review, ruling out serious conditions, strength and range of motion measurements, and an evaluation of your postures and movement patterns. Based on these findings, your physical therapist will utilize a combination of manual therapy, exercise, and movement analysis to help you achieve your goals. We will also help coordinate your care and refer out for imaging, medication, or possible surgical referrals as needed. Learn more about how physical therapists treat here!
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